Base Color or Root Color refers to color matching the 1-2 inches of natural hair color growth at the scalp. This always happens as your hair continues to grow. This technique can be combined with any foiling services to maintain dimensional color.
Coloring Techniques to know.

Highlighting is done by lifting the natural colors out of the hair, and making the strands lighter. Dark hair goes through a red layer before becoming blonde/yellow. Natural blondes usually have multiple shades of blonde that occur naturally. We mimic this natural process by leaving some strands darker, and keep some strands lighter..

Lowlighting is a technique that can darken strands of hair instead of lightening them. Some stylist refer to this as low foiling. It can also refer to lightning the hair, but just a shade or two to create a little contrast or dimension.

Balayage is a term that means “sweeping”. This technique blends the top into the bottom colors like an Ombré effect, but with more definition between colors for contrast and dramatic effect.

Fashion Color Vivid Coloring, or Vibrant Coloring techniques refer to any color that is not found naturally on people. These are pinks, blues, greens, or any bright hue of any variety. These techniques vary in what we must do to get your hair to the desired hue. Sometimes it may mean a color correction. A consultation is required before booking these appointments.

Ombré is a technique that blends the hair in its entirety from dark to light, or light to dark, with no color streaking effect present. This is also known as “gradient” color effect.